My Man… Mitt?

Dec 05 2011


Mitt Romney may well turn out to be a Reagan-esque President.  It would not surprise me at all if he did.

But I’m not feeling the love, you know?

I have significant issues with him, but the guy knows how to turn lemons into lemonade and we need that desperately right now.


Mitt Romney 2012…

One response so far

  • Ralph Kopera

    Trying to reconcile my man..mitt? with the Snark scuds post. If Mitt tried to be snarky, he might have a stroke. If Mitt is he nominee I will vote for him over Obama, but i cannot support him in the primary. I am right now looking at newt but taking a new look at RP and JH. Huntsman may actually be the most conservative, but his campaign strategy has been to paint himself centrist. Courting the party pundits rather than actual voters?