From The Blaze:
…Veteran journalist and CBS anchor Bill Kurtis on WLS sa(id) that Herman Cain’s accuser, Sharon Bialek, is a former CBS employee with a ‘track record.’ Given her checkered past, a chuckling Kurtis posited that Bialek‘s and Cain’s roles in the alleged car-incident could even have been reversed.
Some of Kurtis’ observations on Bialek were as follows:
‘She has a history.’
‘There is a lot more to this story.’
‘I can assure you that there will be far more to this story.’
‘Let’s put Herman or Sharon in the car and say their roles may even have been reversed, given her track record here.’
Bialek worked for CBS radio station WCKG from 2006-2007.
…Precious few news outlets are delving into Bialek’s questionable history.
Now, obviously, ‘sexual harassment’ is, legally, a power thing. An employee can’t threaten an employer with punitive action if they don’t get nookie, but people are still people. Sex happens. And there’s no reason to believe that one human couldn’t make sexual overtures to another human no matter what their job title is.
Do you realize what this means? Herman, by monolithic description, is a true gentleman, so may be in the awful position of not wanting to ‘out’ this woman’s advances to him! Knowing, too, that by the simple act of trying to save his campaign, he may torpedo it by being a cad – when he wasn’t.
Herman may have even hinted in his presser yesterday that this was exactly what happened when he said that ‘sex harassment’ can go from woman to man, not just man to woman – again, quite apart from the important legal distinction involving the role of power.
Wow. You couldn’t write this any better.