UPDATE Wednesday November 9, 2011 1:50pm Eastern: Now we have some reporting on what so grievously offended the ‘You’re as tall as my wife’ ACK! FIND ME A LAWYER I’VE BEEN HARASSED’ Cain accuser on the job she took after the one with Cain where she filed a second, consecutive harassment claim… You ready? Get the children away from the computer because this might really hurt. It was an email a male co-worker sent around that was a joke about how computers are like men, in that you have to turn them on, and like women, in that they remember everything… I swear to God that is what prompted this woman to file a formal complaint. It was the central feature of her complaint – not ancillary – the central feature of it. I don’t have a link yet, I just heard Megyn Kelly and Monica Crowley discussing it and Megyn was reading some wire copy with the text of the email.
Wow. As bad as you think it’s gonna get, credibility-wise for these women’s complaints, they must be wishing their evidence was that good.
Not only do we now have a veteran CBS reporter suggesting that Bialek is full of hoo-hah (see previous post), now we discover that ‘You’re as tall as my wife’ ACK! FIND ME A LAWYER I’VE BEEN HARASSED’ filed a sex harassment suit in the next job AFTER that…
When the fourth estate does it’s job – which is to uncover the truth and not advocate, it’s a beautiful thing, isn’t it?
Sunlight truly is the best disinfectant. Brandeis got that right.
Note: It’s important to give props to A.P. on this. They’ve devolved into the worst sort of hackery, but they did their job on this story. I’m not a big believer in giving trophies to people just for showing up and doing their jobs. Call me old-fashioned, but I think you should have to excel - as a pattern behavior – in the task at hand to get a trophy, but if giving praise – a metaphorical trophy – to A.P. helps bring them back to proper journalistic practices, well, hell, I can hand out some hardware…