UPDATE IV: Monday November 7, 2011 4:06pm Eastern: I want to be clear - Her story is credible – EXCEPT the ‘ugly’ part for reasons I outlined below. THAT’S the part she was promised money for. He probably propositioned her in that car, but without ever actually getting up to the hotel suite, there would be no story. What did he do? He upgraded an out-of-work woman, bought her drinks, bought her dinner – That’s BAD? It may not be the most prudent thing for a married guy to do, but an innocent reading of this is that he was a nice guy. Somebody with an agenda offered her a job, or money, to ‘kick it up a notch’ I’d bet my house.
UPDATE III: Monday November 7, 2011 3:04pm Eastern: PREDICTION: Watch for this woman to show up with a new gig, likely traceable back to either Rahm Emanuel or possibly even Mitt Romney or Rick Perry, but I’d bet Rahm. I understand Oprah’s OWN network is struggling. Maybe they’ll be hiring a new ‘non-traditional’ fundraiser for its charitable arm – which is what her previous job description was. Watch. It will likely happen just before Christmas, on a Friday, when nobody is looking. Remember where you read it first
UPDATE II: Monday November 7, 2011 2:12pm Eastern: Post presser impressions: He had THREE chances to get her into a hotel suite HE UPGRADED her to, and doesn’t even get on the ELEVATOR?
We have a 30 year resident of Chicago, an out-of-work tv/radio professional, who, by her own testimony says she was with him, in public, at least 5 times, where nothing-zip-nada-zero in his behavior towards her can be said to be untoward. In advance of the night in question, a meeting they’ve arranged to talk about a job while she was in from out of town, he upgrades her to a ‘palatial’ hotel suite, ostensibly TO USE IT, and he passes THREE OPPORTUNITIES which LITERALLY could have got him to the door – or inside – and DOESN’T EVEN GET ON THE ELEVATOR? Not ONCE?
When she gets to town for an arranged meeting to talk about a job, he upgrades her to a suite at her hotel. When he gets the chance to choose the suite as their initial meeting place… he chooses the hotel bar, not what the woman described as a ‘palatial’ suite. He gets another chance to take her up to the ‘palatial’ suite he upgraded her to… then takes her out to dinner. He has yet another chance where he could have chosen to walk her to the door of the ‘palatial’ suite and finally do the deed… and gropes her in the car? Outside the Restaurant Association? Think about that: OUTSIDE THE FRONT DOOR OF THE RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION. This is ALL HER TESTIMONY.
CONCLUSION: I see a single out-of-work Chicago mom who wants back on television. Sorry. I don’t pretend to be unbiased about this but – really. Maybe Herman got drunk and made a pass, but what she described, just shoving his hand up her dress and bending her neck down to his crotch in a car IN FRONT OF THE FRONT DOOR OF THE N.R.A. IS NOT CREDIBLE. This man is a charmer, by her own description. If he were going to cheat on his wife, by upgrading a woman to a palatial hotel suite, spending the evening talking to her, over drinks, over dinner, do you mean to tell me he wouldn’t sweet-talk his way right up to the door of the suite? Sweet-talk his way into the suite? This woman was clearly very taken with him. He could have talked his way into her pants – and had she described that scenario, I would have believed it. Finally, as to these ‘sworn statements’? Big deal. They’re sworn statements that this woman told these two men the same bullsh*t story.
UPDATE: Monday November 7, 2011 12:33pm Eastern: With an hour to go to the 1:30 scheduled presser, I stand by my prediction she will back out/flame out. It will be a one, maybe two day story at most. Parenthetically, I had to turn off talk radio. (Turned to an HD all-1970′s channel now… *sigh*) I just couldn’t take it anymore – even from Rush (of whom I am only a lukewarm fan, but) who has tried to be reasonable about this. I’ll probably turn the TV on for Megyn Kelly at 1pm (can I look like her in my next life?) but I’m at my saturation limit. Seriously.
As I write this, it’s 9:45am Eastern.
I’m putting 50/50 odds she backs out before the news conference.
Even if she speaks, it will result in reflecting more poorly on her than him. Even before I have a name or have heard a syllable, she’s demonstrated a lack of judgement by choosing the ‘impeccably principled’ Gloria Allred to be at her side; so clearly there’s money involved, and right out of the gate her motives & veracity are suspect.
For my part, it had better be on the level of ‘Bl*w me or I’ll fire you’ if I’m gonna take it seriously. Being ‘offended’ ain’t gonna wash. There’s a name for women who are ‘offended’ for money.
Remember where you heard it first