Why doesn’t Krugman just change his name to Keynes and be done with it? Oh! Right. Both Krugman & Keynes are/were closet-capitalists, investing their money carefully and using every legal means possible to shelter it, but shhhh… forget about that… don’t look at the man behind the curtain, again, and again, and again… Just do what he says you, the little person, should do, the hypocritical bastards.
Damn, I’m grumpy this morning.
The point is, Krugs is at it again. Mark my words, in about 10 years, if this madness stands, we will have a full-fledged two-tier medical system. The rich will pay for premium access to skilled physicians and the poor will have government sh*t.
We’re already seeing it start with the… oh, damn. I forget what they call them, but you can pay $1500 per year or so and get 24/7 access to your physician.
Medical Speakeasies. ObAmerica.