Liberals would argue that Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security are popular and people “like” them. Okay, but I think we’d all agree that they are broke, yes?
Left and right would all also agree that the USPS is broke. Like it or hate it, it’s broke. I know it’s not in the strictest sense of the word a “government” program, but, functionally, philosophically, it is, and I think we could all agree on that.
Everybody hates the IRS. Everybody agrees that you’ll get a 10 different answers to the same question from 10 different IRS employees if they actually bother to pick up the phone and bother to answer you and not put you on hold permanently or transfer you to nowhere. So the IRS, as a government agency, is also crappy.
Okay, so let’s look at the list of crappy and or broke government agencies:
Social Security
Conservatives would argue that the only government agency that works is the Military. Liberals hate the military and believe the “military industrial complex” is evil and corrupt and should be eliminated. What we’re supposed to do with our fannies hanging out there with no defense against attack is a bothersome detail libs shoo away like a fly, but that’s another discussion.
So, if liberals would argue that even the Military s-cks, exactly which government agency can you point to as a model of efficacy to bolster your argument that the government should take over 1/6th of our economy by managing health care and credibly assert that it will “save money” or be “deficit neutral?”
It strikes me as ironic that CONSERVATIVES have a stronger argument for government take over of healthcare than liberals do because at least we can point to the Military as a government agency we can be proud of.
Without support of the one agency that breaks things and kills people like it should, liberals have their fannies hanging out there undefended.